When you choose Virginia Advanced Surgical Arts to remove your wisdom teeth, you can rest assured your procedure will be pain-free!
Our oral surgeons pride themselves on providing all patients with comfort and safety during every procedure performed. That’s why we offer sedation dentistry and oral surgery anesthesia for wisdom teeth removal, which is one of the most common oral surgeries performed in America.
If you’re wondering what type of sedation dentistry option is needed for wisdom teeth removal, keep reading. We will discuss those pesky molars, how you can benefit from having them removed, and how our oral surgeons can help your wisdom teeth removal process be free from pain!
Why Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?
The third molars – also known as wisdom teeth – are the last teeth to make their grand appearance in your mouth. When they come in, not only can they cause discomfort, but they can also throw all of your other teeth out of whack. That’s why so many men and women in Northern Virginia choose to have their wisdom teeth removed.
Benefits of having your wisdom teeth removed are:
Make way for braces or other orthodontic treatment
Eliminate pain caused when the teeth are impacted or too crowded
Help you keep your beautiful, straight smile
Prevent or improve tooth decay or infection
Wisdom Teeth Removal & Sedation Dentistry
As we mentioned, your safety and comfort are of the utmost importance at Virginia Advanced Surgical Arts. When you come to one of our offices for your wisdom teeth removal, you will enjoy a private room, memory foam chair, access to free WiFi, a screen for watching Netflix, and warm blankets. How relaxing!
Before removing your wisdom teeth, we will first administer a common form of sedation dentistry, nitrous oxide, to help you relax. Once you are resting comfortably, an IV is inserted to provide anesthesia during your wisdom teeth removal.
Using this form of oral surgery anesthesia will allow you to be completely unaware of what is happening during your procedure, but the IV sedation alone will not numb you. We then administer local anesthesia into your gums to numb the area near your wisdom teeth after the IV sedation has taken effect.
For your comfort, we administer Exparel near the end of your procedure, but before you wake up from the effects of IV sedation. Exparel is a non-opioid pain medication that begins working very quickly. It will last for several days after your procedure and it reduces the need for Northern Virginia patients to use other forms of pain medications.
Choose Virginia Advanced Surgical Arts For Your Wisdom Teeth Removal!
Our oral surgeons are thoroughly trained to provide you with sedation dentistry and oral surgery anesthesia options that will keep you safe and pain-free. If you’re ready to have your wisdom teeth removed, call Virginia Advanced Surgical Arts’ McLean office at (703) 263-8834, Reston office at (571) 595-3223, or Potomac office at (703) 723-5366 to book a consultation.