Oral surgery anesthesia is an amazing tool our oral surgeons use to provide our patients with comfort and ease during dental appointments and procedures.
We use a wide array of options and help patients get through regular checkups, and even more involved procedures like dental implant placement, with peace and calm.
At Virginia Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery, we want you to be well-informed about how oral surgery anesthesia can make your life so much easier, so keep reading to learn more!
Oral Surgery Anesthesia At Virginia Advanced Surgical Arts
Our oral surgeons and team go beyond traditional sedation dentistry. While sedation dentistry typically uses inexact oral medication for patient comfort, we are certified to use the full range of anesthetic techniques available. Not only can we help you relax during your dental procedure, but we tailor our anesthetic approach for each individual patient.
Traditional sedation dentistry typically uses some type of oral medication, which is not easily controlled, and its effects can vary greatly from person to person. In addition, oral medication must be digested and metabolized, so the time it takes to take effect varies from person to person.
And if one pill doesn’t “seem” to work on a patient, the only thing a provider can do is give them another pill. Providing multiple pills to a patient increases risk and is not the best way to help a patient through a dental appointment or procedure.
These are just some of the reasons why our surgeons provide targeted and precise anesthetic options for our patients, rather than traditional sedation dentistry.
What Types Of Anesthetic Options Are Available?
Dr. Gocke uses several types of anesthetic options at Virginia Advanced Surgical Arts
for a wide variety of services, such as oral surgery, implant dentistry, and cosmetic procedures. More specifically, patients can expect to receive one or more of the following oral surgery anesthesia options during their procedure:
- Local Anesthesia – An injectable that numbs the treatment area and keeps patients awake during the procedure.
- Nitrous Oxide – A gas used for patients with dental anxiety to help “take the edge off” during dental appointments and procedures.
- IV Sedation – Administered through an IV directly into the bloodstream and is used during dental procedures that are more involved, such as dental implant placement.
- EXPAREL – A non-opioid and long-lasting injectable pain medication, which is perfect for oral surgeries like wisdom teeth removal.
We Have You Covered With Oral Surgery Anesthesia
Our goal is for every patient to feel safe and comfortable. That’s why we go beyond traditional sedation dentistry. Our oral surgeons take great care during every appointment to fully explain each aspect of your procedure.
The oral surgeons at Virginia Advanced Surgical Arts are fully trained and certified to use oral surgery anesthesia. If you know you need to have oral surgery, but have been putting it off, call Virginia Advanced Surgical Arts’ McLean office at (703) 263-8834, Reston office at (571) 595-3223, or Potomac office at (703) 723-5366 and schedule your consultation!